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Summative Assessment: Information Technology, Safety, and Patient Outcomes

Summative Assessment: Information Technology, Safety, and Patient Outcomes
Course Content

Rubric Details

Safe patient care
25% of total grade

Fully explained why information and technology skills are essential for safe patient care.

90 – 100%

Partially explained why information and technology skills are essential for safe patient care.

70 – 89%

Inadequately explained why information and technology skills are essential for safe patient care.

50 – 69%

Not Evident

Did not explainwhy information and technology skills are essential for safe patient care Summative Assessment: Information Technology, Safety, and Patient Outcomes.

0 – 0%

Baccalaureate nurse’s role
20% of total grade

Fully identified the baccalaureate nurse’s role in championing the use of information and technology to improve safety and patient outcomes.

90 – 100%

Partially identified the baccalaureate nurse’s role in championing the use of information and technology to improve safety and patient outcomes.

70 – 89%

Inadequately identified the baccalaureate nurse’s role in championing the use of information and technology to improve safety and patient outcomes.

50 – 69%

Not Evident
Did not identify the baccalaureate nurse’s role in championing the use of information and technology to improve safety and patient outcomes.

0 – 0%

Technology and healthcare-related decision-making
25% of total grade

Provided comprehensive examples of how nurses use technology to make healthcare-related decisions.

90 – 100%

Provided partial examples of how nurses use technology to make healthcare-related decisions.

70 – 89%

Provided inadequate examples of how nurses use technology to make healthcare-related decisions.

50 – 69%

Not Evident
Did not provide any examples of how nurses use technology to make healthcare-related decisions.

0 – 0%

Data quality and integrity
25% of total grade

Fully analyzed the relationship between the quality and integrity of data entered into a database and the effect on the quality of patient care. Summative Assessment: Information Technology, Safety, and Patient Outcomes

90 – 100%

Partially analyzed the relationship between the quality and integrity of data entered into a database and the effect on the quality of patient care.

70 – 89%

Inadequately analyzed the relationship between the quality and integrity of data entered into a database and the effect on the quality of patient care.

50 – 69%

Not Evident
Did not analyze the relationship between the quality and integrity of data entered into a database and the effect on the quality of patient care.

0 – 0%

Written Communication
3% of total grade

The completed assignment was concise, with exceptional attention to detail, and was free of errors.

90 – 100%

The completed assignment showed attention to detail through careful editing and quality writing; minimal writing convention errors (i.e., spelling, punctuation, usage, and sentence formation) were present.

70 – 89%

The completed assignment lacked detail and careful editing; numerous writing convention errors (i.e., spelling, punctuation, usage, and sentence formation) were present, but errors did not detract from the readability of the content.

50 – 69%

Not Evident
The completed assignment was difficult to read and understand because of the number and degree of writing convention errors.

0 – 0%

APA guidelines
2% of total grade

The assignment was properly formatted according to APA guidelines, and it included correct APA citation of sources.

90 – 100%

The assignment was partially formatted according to APA guidelines, and it included mostly correct APA citation of sources.

70 – 89%

The assignment was minimally formatted according to APA guidelines, and it included incorrect APA citation of sources.

50 – 69%

Not Evident
The assignment did not incorporate APA guidelines in its formatting nor in citing sources.


Course Questions for Glenda or your peers

Have a question about this course? Ask here! I will monitor this area. If you know the answer, feel free to help your peers by posting a reply. If you have a question that only applies to you and your work, please use a private message Summative Assessment: Information Technology, Safety, and Patient Outcomes
Have a question about this course? Ask here! I will monitor this area. If you know the answer, feel free to help your peers by posting a reply. If you have a question that only applies to you and your work, please use a private message

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Wk 1 – Role of Technology and Informatics in Nursing

Meet Your Faculty and Peers!

I am so excited to get to know you all. Please watch my welcome video then reply with the following information: What kind of nursing you are currently doing. Summative Assessment: Information Technology, Safety, and Patient Outcomes Where you’re from About your family (kids, pets) Your favorite movie or song Your favorite food or restaurant One interesting fact about you Transcript Note : Posts in this discussion area do not count for participation; however, this is a great way to get to know each other.

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Wk 1 Overview

Wk 1 Discussion – Role of Informatics in Patient Care Outcomes [due Thurs]

Due date: 2/21/23, 9:59 AM

Post a total of 3 substantive responses over 2 separate days for full participation. This includes your initial post and 2 replies to other students. Due Thursday Review Informatics Strategies & Tools to Link Nursing Care with Patient Outcomes in …

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Wk 1 – Summative Assessment: Information Technology, Safety, and Patient Outcomes [due Mon]

Due date: 2/21/23, 9:59 AM

Wk 1 Learning Activities

Handbook of Informatics for Nurses and Healthcare Professionals, Ch. 1

Read Ch. 1, “An Overview of Informatics in Healthcare.”
Read Ch. 1, “An Overview of Informatics in Healthcare.”

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