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This week, we are covering the topic of politics (e.g., political philosophy).  Politics is mainly about making policies or rules.  Our society is full of policies such as speed limit laws, tax laws, minimum wage laws and the list goes on.  However, one thing we have to remember is that laws are time specific.  This means that laws are tailor made for the time period that society is in.  For instance, the United States Constitution, our fundamental law, has no policies regarding using a cell phone while driving.   Why?  There were no cars and cell phones in the year 1776.  But we live in 2024 and we now have cell phones, cars, air planes, computers and a lot more.  That means that we have to create lots of new laws to accommodate to the rapidly changing technology of our times.  

For this week's discussion, please view the videos and reply to the questions lelow.

Video 1


1. According to Professor Ahmed Banafa's research, why are large companies like Levi's using AI models?

2. What percent of jobs might be lost? What new jobs might be created?  

3. Based on this video, what is the next step in AI evolution?

Video 2 (Twilight Zone, Season 5, Episode 33, 1964)


6. After viewing this video, do you think this is the path society is on with AI?

7. Just last weet, a New York Times article from July 10, 2024Links to an external site. reported that the Artifical Intelligence program developed by Google beat an 18 time world "GO" champion (e.g., board game similar to chess, checkers).   If we could completely copy a person's genes and add the artificial intelligence where this "thing" can act, talk, look like, think, walk and do everything a person can do (and even better) would this be considered a human?  

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