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professional nursing


  • What do you      understand what it means to be a professional nurse?
  • What are the      many roles a nurse can have?
  • Why is      patient centered care so important?
  • How does the      nurse have to consider legal and ethical issues?
  • Why are      quality and safety always considered when provided patient care?
  • How do Nurse      Practice Acts and Licensure guide practice?
  • Why is      communication and collaboration so important?
  • What are the      different reports nurses do?
  • What are the      important points regarding documentation?
  • How have you      used the nursing process and NSCBN Clinical Judgement Model in your      clinical course?

Write about what you learned throughout this course and how you will bring this forward into your clinical practice as you continue through the nursing program and your nursing practice. (500 words, minimum)5

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