NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU
NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU
Topic 1 DQ 1
Assessment Description
Describe the effect of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and community. Consider short-term and long-term impacts, socioeconomic implications, the need for ongoing care, and comorbidities associated with prematurity. Explain how disparities relative to ethnic and cultural groups may contribute to low-birth-weight babies. Identify one support service within your community to assist with preterm infants and their families and explain how the service adequately addresses the needs of the community or a population in your community. Provide the link to the resource in your post.
Extremely low birth weight babies have a birth weight less than 2500 g. Infants that are affected by extreme low birth weight have a higher risk for complications. Complication includes neurodevelopment abnormalities, immature lungs that leads to respiratory problem, problems with temperature regulations, trouble feeding, and gaining weight. These issues have negative impacts on families which may cause depression and anxiety as well as postpartum depression in mothers. Short-term impact for low-birth-weight babies serious breathing, heart, and brain problems. Babies will need special care in the NICU until they gain weight. Long term, babies can suffer from subnormal growth, mental retardation, visual and hearing impairments, SIDS, ADHD poor health and growth. Necrotizing enterocolitis, intraventricular hemorrhage, neurodevelopmental anomalies and retinopathy are comorbidities associated with prematurity (Mayo clinic,2021).
In the United States, low birth rate is recognized as one of the primary factors contributing to racial/ ethnic disparities in the African American followed by Asian/ pacific islander due to living in rural areas or environmental hazards. Special supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children better known as WIC. WIC provides nutritious foods, education breastfeeding support, and referrals to health care and social services for millions of low-income families. WIC plays a crucial role in the communities to improve the health of women, infant, and children (Carson & Neuberger, 2021).
Carlson , S., & Neuberger , Z. (2021, January 27). WIC works: Addressing the nutrition and health needs of low-income families for more than four decades. Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU
Mayo Clinic, S. (2021, April 14). Premature birth. Mayo Clinic. Retrieved September 7, 2022, from
NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU sample 2
The development of a child’s brain throughout his or her first three years of life is regarded as critical. Events that occur during this era may have long-term consequences for intellectual, emotional, and social development. It might be claimed that a child’s first year of existence, including time spent in the womb, is the most formative. They often struggle to breathe on their own, have difficulty managing their body temperature, and lack strength and, on occasion, reflexes to suck and swallow. Breathing difficulties, feeding difficulties, and weak muscles are common short-term complications. These symptoms fade as the individual develops and their body catches up. It may take more time to notice the long-term repercussions of a condition. There are several developmental problems and delays (Hee Chung et al., 2020). When compared to ordinarily growing infants, children with later-onset neurological impairments perform worse on tests. Behavior and mental health issues.
Some immigrant groups have been demonstrated to be healthier on average than native-born Americans, and this surprising health advantage may be passed on to the children of immigrant moms. Even after accounting for common pregnancy complications, women of certain ethnic and cultural origins who were born outside the United States had a lower
likelihood of having a baby with low birth weight.
Community service can play a key role in the enablement of adequate service NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU
provision for preterm infants and their families. NICU is one of the community services programs that help parents to understand and go through the process of bringing up preterm infants. The hospital personnel are also provided with continuing education through NICU Family Support. Throughout their time in the NICU, the newborns are provided with an education that emphasizes the need of providing care that is focused on the family. The team is supported with an education that is grounded in best practices and evidence-based care (The NICU Family Support Program, n.d.)
Hee Chung, E., Chou, J., & Brown, K. A. (2020). Neurodevelopmental outcomes of preterm infants: A recent literature review. , (Suppl 1), S3–S8. Translational Pediatrics 9
The NICU Family Support program. (n.d.). Retrieved 4 September 2022, from NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU
NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU Topic 1 DQ 2
Consider the following patient scenario:
A mother comes in with 9-month-old girl. The infant is 68.5cm in length (25th percentile per CDC growth chart), weighs 6.75kg (5th percentile per CDC growth chart), and has a head circumference of 43cm (25th percentile per CDC growth chart).
Describe the developmental markers a nurse should assess for a 9-month-old female infant. Discuss the recommendations you would give the mother. Explain why these recommendations are based on evidence-based practice.
This nine-month-old baby girl is healthy according to the CDC recommendations. Having a smaller than normal weight, length, and head circumference do not mean the child has health problems. Children grow and develop differently at different paces and times. Developmental milestones are those things the child must complete at a certain age. In this case, the child must complete certain fine and gross motor skills, and emotional and sensory development. The mother should observe the child’s ability to fine motor skills: drinks from a cup with assistance, flipping pages of books or scribbling. Gross motor skills taking objects out of a container, getting into a sitting position without assistance standing alone, walking holding onto furniture, looking at familiar objects, distinguishing between familiar and unfamiliar voices, crying, focusing on objects, and exploring the environment. The mother or caregiver must provide a loving and nurturing environment needed for the child’s growth and development. If by nine months the child is unable to reach for objects or put objects in their mouth, play games ( pee-a-boo), and be involved in back and forth or sit with help. If the child is unable to accomplish these goals, that is a call for concern. The nurse can request development, screening, and assessment. Nurses can provide resources such as the CDC website for parents to learn more about infant development.
Developmental Monitoring and Screening. (n.d.).
NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU SAMPLE 2
Numerous checks would have to be performed to make sure the kid is developing normally. It’s possible that the infant is simply on the small side if their birth weight, height, and head circumference were all in the 5th percentile. But if the baby dropped from the 60th to the 20th percentile for birth weight, that would be cause for alarm. In that situation, I’d examine the infant’s diet and eating pattern and see if the mother is breastfeeding if she hasn’t already. If she is nursing, it is crucial to make sure she is getting enough to eat and that her milk supply is sufficient. By nine months, infants should be eating baby meals and, if drinking juice, should be consuming 100% fruit juice, as not doing so could stunt their growth (Green, 2018)
Weight, height, head circumference, chest circumference, and mid upper arm circumference are all examples of anthropometric measurements. The size, shape, and make-up of a child’s body can be measured with anthropometric scales to identify any lags in development.
A nurse should evaluate the following developmental indicators in a 9-month-old girl:
A complete nursing assessment of a newborn should measure more than just weight and length and head circumference. The evaluation should start with a thorough visual inspection of the infant’s posture, movement, color, and breathing.
Weight-8.5kg (normal infant weight is 0.75 kg)
Average Height: 72 centimeters (normal infant height is 75 cm)
Size 44 cm in terms of the circumference of the head (normal head circumference is 45 cm)
The following are some suggestions for what to tell the mother:
Make sure to keep breastfeeding even as you start introducing new meals.
The mother should be made aware of the various weaning meals available.
Taking into account the kid’s input and knowledge of their own eating habits.
Create kid-pleasing snacks in a rainbow of hues and a wide range of fun shapes and sizes.
Constipation, vomiting, and diarrhea are all things to watch out for while trying new foods.
Sleep has a role in a child’s growth and development, so make sure he or she gets plenty of it.
Hydrocephalus and other neurological conditions require medical attention.
It’s important to keep an eye on a child’s development, so suggest that mom bring her little one in for a checkup every month.
Share with the mother the importance of maintaining a clean feeding environment for the boy.
Therefore, improving the child’s growth and development stages can be facilitated by sharing these evidence-based advice with the mother.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2017b). Developmental milestones. Retrieved September 5th from
Antoniuk, D. (2006). The CDC Guide to Breastfeeding Interventions. retrieved sept. 5th from Journal of Human Lactation, 22(3), 351-352.
Green, S.Z. (2018). Health assessment: Foundations for effective practice. Retrieved on sept.5th from
NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU Topic 2 DQ 1
Child abuse and maltreatment is not limited to a particular age—it can occur in the infant, toddler, preschool, and school-age years. Choose one of the four age groups and outline the types of abuse most commonly seen among children of that age. Describe warning signs and physical and emotional assessment findings the nurse may see that could indicate child abuse. Discuss cultural variations of health practices that can be misidentified as child abuse. Describe the reporting mechanism in your state and nurse responsibilities related to the reporting of suspected child abuse. Identify two factors that increase the vulnerability of a child for abuse in the age group you have selected. NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU
NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU Topic 2 DQ 2
Compare the physical assessment of a child to that of an adult. In addition to describing the similar/different aspects of the physical assessment, explain how the nurse would offer instruction during the assessment, how communication would be adapted to offer explanations, and what strategies the nurse would use to encourage engagement. NRS-434VN Health Assessment GCU