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Hist 405N week 1 case study – Exploration and Effects on Native Americans
Hist 405N week 1 case study – Exploration and Effects on Native Americans

Option 1: Exploration and Effects on Native Americans

Explain what motivated the European world powers to explore the Americas.
Describe the economic effects of exploration based on the Colombian exchange.
Analyze the effects of exploration on Native Americans.
Based on research, analyze if Europeans might be held accountable for transmitting Old World diseases to people in the Western Hemisphere.

Hist 405N week 1 case study – Exploration and Effects on Native Americans
Exploration and Effects on Native Americans
Colonization and economic exploration have been experienced by most countries in the world, most if not all from European countries (Zakaria, 1999). European nations for example began exploring the American continent in the late 15th century due to a confluence of economic, technological, and political factors. The Age of Exploration was sparked by Spain, Portugal, and England’s search for new resources and trade routes. Transatlantic travel was made possible by important technological innovations like the compass and astrolabe, which changed the course of world politics (Ramos, 2021). This Hist 405N week 1 case study – Exploration and Effects on Native Americans essay covers the reasons for this exploration, the economic impacts it brought based on Colombian exchange, and the effects on the natives.
The motivation of European powers’ American exploration
A confluence of political, technological, and economic factors drove European powers to explore the American continent in the late 15th century (Brooks, 2020). Countries like Spain, Portugal, and later England launched maritime expeditions in search of new trade routes to Asia and access to valuable resources. This Age of Exploration was driven by the need for wealth, territorial expansion, and competitive domination. Technological innovations in navigation, like the compass and astrolabe, were crucial in enabling transatlantic travel and creating links that changed the course of world politics (Brooks, 2020).
The economic effects of this exploration based on the Colombian exchange
Exploration in the late 15th and early 16th centuries led to the Colombian Exchange, which had significant economic implications. The introduction of new crops like maize and potatoes, which increased agricultural productivity, benefited Europe economically (Zakaria, 1999). On the other hand, European economies were supported by the inflow of American gold and silver. The devastating effects of the exchange included the introduction of diseases and resource exploitation in the Americas (Ramos, 2021)  Hist 405N week 1 case study – Exploration and Effects on Native Americans. The rise of capitalism was aided by the changes in consumption patterns, commerce, and economic systems brought about by this interconnected global trade. On the other hand, it also resulted in social and economic inequality across the Atlantic (Brooks, 2020).
Effects of exploration on Native Americans
Native Americans experienced significant and frequent negative consequences as a result of European exploration. The spread of Old-World illnesses such as measles and smallpox led to catastrophic pandemics that wiped out native populations that lacked immunity (Ramos, 2021). Even though it was not their intention, historical evidence points to Europeans being responsible for the unintentional contamination of Native American communities, which could lead to the spread of these diseases. Social structures were upended and resistance to European colonization was weakened as a result of this demographic collapse. New crops also revolutionized agriculture, and the Columbian Exchange, a trade in goods, plants, and animals, changed the way of life for the indigenous people. Native Americans were further marginalized by resource exploitation, forced labour, and cultural conflicts, which had a lasting impact on their societies and shaped the course of history (Ramos, 2021).
In conclusion, the effects of European exploration on Native Americans were extensive and included social unrest, population decline, and unintentional spread of Old-World diseases. Economic changes brought about by the Colombian Exchange exploited the Americas while benefiting Europe. The results, which included forced labour, resource exploitation, and cultural conflicts, had a long-lasting effect on Native American societies and highlighted the complicated and frequently negative effects of European exploration on native populations.
Brooks, C. (2020). European Exploration and Conquest. Western Civilization: A Concise History.
based on the Colombian exchange.
Ramos, C. (2021). Beyond the Columbian Exchange: Medicine and public health in colonial Latin America. History Compass, 19(8), e12682.https://doi.org/10.1111/hic3.12682
Zakaria, F. (1999). From wealth to power: The unusual origins of America’s world role (Vol. 84). Princeton University Press. Hist 405N week 1 case study – Exploration and Effects on Native Americans

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