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California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2

California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2
Topic 1 DQ 2

For California-based learners, review the advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners in California using the resource, “Board of Nursing Links by State,” located on the college page of the Student Success Center under the AGACNP tab.
In your response, acknowledge that you have read the Nurse Practice Act for California. Identify the professional codes and business practices regulated by the California Board of Nursing for nurse practitioners. California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 Explain how standardized procedure guidelines are governed within California, detail at least two standards for nurse practitioners outlined by the California Board of Nursing, and discuss the regulations of furnishing and ordering medications, drugs, and devices within the state. How do national, state, and local regulations affect the AGACNP scope and practices? Support your answer with a minimum of two APRN peer-reviewed resources.
Florida’s Nurse Practice Act
The passage of the Affordable Care Act gave healthcare coverage to more Americans and increased the demand for healthcare providers, nurse practitioners offer increased access to quality healthcare. The scope of nurse practitioners is determined by the individual state’s Boards of Nursing. States that have increased the scope of nurse practitioners and allowed for autonomous practice have been shown to increase access to healthcare, improve the quality of care, reduce the use of intensive medical procedures, and lower the cost of healthcare services (McMichael, 2021).
In the state of Florida, licensure is obtained after graduating from a master’s or doctoral program and obtaining certification by the appropriate specialty board. Once licensed in the state, nurse practitioners can prescribe medications including narcotics, and perform procedures under the supervision of a physician (The Florida Legislature, n.d.). Nurse practitioners are required to have a supervising physician unless they apply for autonomous practice licensure. To apply for an autonomous license in the state of Florida, the applicant must have an active and unincumbered license in the state with no disciplinary actions on record and have 3,000 clinical practice hours under the supervision of a physician. The final requirement is to have completed the equivalent of 3 graduate-level semester hours in pharmacology within the past 5 years (The Florida Legislature, n.d.). Autonomous practice for nurse practitioners is limited to practicing in the primary care practice including family medicine, general internal medicine, and general pediatrics (The Florida Legislature, n.d.) California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2. The Florida Medical Association (FMA) has projected the state to have a shortfall of 17,924 physicians by the year 2035 throughout the entire state except for the southeast area in the Miami region (Florida Medical Association, 2022). With this projected shortage, the use of advanced practice registered nurses will be vital in meeting the medical needs in the state and evaluating the scope of nurse practitioners to help meet the demand for healthcare providers.
Florida Board of Nursing (2023). Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. https://floridasnursing.gov/resources/
Florida Medical Association (2022). Florida’s physician shortage: It’s not just primary care and rural areas. https://www.flmedical.org/florida/Florida_Public/News/2022/Florida%E2%80%99s_physician_shortage.aspx#:~:text=As%20noted%20previously%20in%20FMA,State%20by%20the%20year%202035.
McMichael, B. J. (2021). Nurse Practitioner Scope-of-Practice Laws and Opioid Prescribing. The Milbank Quarterly, 99(3), 721–745.
The Florida Legislature (n.d.). http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0400-0499/0464/Sections/0464.0123.html
The Florida Legislature (n.d.). http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0400-0499/0464/Sections/0464.012.html California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2

California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 sample 2
California’s Nurse Practice Act
Every state in the United States has a set of laws to govern the practice of nursing but since I will be working in California, I have only reviewed California’s Nurse Practice Act. California’s Nurse Practice Act (NPA) provides certification and regulation for nurse practitioners. The NPA was created by the Board of Registered Nursing and was approved by the Governor of California. This legislation also provides the Board of Nursing the power to discipline a nurse who violates laws and regulations, thus posing a danger to the public (Boehning & Haddad, 2022). The NPA established the Nurse Practitioner Advisory Committee to give recommendations to the board on NP related matters. If disciplinary action needs to be performed, the bill requires the committee to guide or make recommendations on the situation. One of the business and professional codes states that it is unlawful for a licensee to refer a patient for a service (lab, nuclear medicine, radiation, physical therapy, etc.) if the licensee or immediate family has financial interest to gain. This would prevent patients from being referred to a provider or consulted for a procedure that is not in their best interest California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2. Providers should only be consulting other providers or prescribing treatments that are in the patient’s best interest and not for their own financial gain. As for the prescription of drugs or devices, they must be ordered by a nurse practioner under physician and/or surgeon supervision. Although the physician/surgeon does not have to be physically present at the time of prescription, there does have to be an established collaboration, approval, and availability via telephone contact at the time of the patient examination by the NP. Starting in 2023, certified nurse practitioners are eligible to apply to practice independently in the state of California (MIEC, 2023). Assembly Bill 890 went into effect this year and allows NPs to apply to expand their scope of practice. NPs will not automatically be permitted to work independently, but they can apply to expand their practice after completing 4,600 hours or three full-time years of clinical practice in California (MIEC, 2023). These are all exciting things to keep in mind as I begin my acute care nurse practioner career.
Boehning, A. P., & Haddad, L. M. (2022). Nursing practice act. National Library of Medicine. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK559012/
MIEC. (2023). Nurse practitioner expanded scope of practice in california. Medical Insurance Exchange of California. Retrieved from https://www.miec.com/knowledge-library/nurse-practitioner-expanded-scope-of-practice-in-california/

For learners based in states other than California, review the advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners in your respective state using the resource, “Board of Nursing Links by State,” located on the college page of the Student Success Center under the AGACNP tab.
In your response, identify the state in which you practice and acknowledge that you have read your state’s Nurse Practice Act. Identify the professional codes and business practices regulated by the state for nurse practitioners and explain how invasive procedure privileges are granted within your state. Detail at least two standards for nurse practitioners within your state and discuss the regulations for ordering medications and devices within your state. How do national, state, and local regulations affect the AGACNP scope and practices? Support your answer with a minimum of two APRN peer-reviewed resources California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2.
The Nursing Practice Act is a body of California law mandating that the board sets out of scope of practice and responsibilities for registered nurses. The scope of the Nursing Practice Act is to include legislature that provides legal authority for functions and procedures with common usage and acceptance. The law recognizes that the functions of physicians and registered nurses could overlap and provides responsibilities for both nurses and physicians. There are also elements of nurse licensure and qualifications to practice in California. Accordingly, standardized processes are usually authorized under the Business and Profession Code, Nursing Practice Act section 2725 (Nurse Practitioners: Laws & Regulations, n.d.).
A nurse can practice in California with an accurate and active registered nursing license. At the same time, they should have a master’s degree in nursing, a clinical field related to nursing, or a graduate degree in nursing (Munday, 2022). Also, for practice, nurses should complete a nurse practitioner program approved by the board. In California, nurses should only issue or offer drugs or devices when ordered by a licensed physician, surgeon, or certified nurse-midwife or physician assistant. Thus, nurses have no prescriptive authority. As mentioned above, there needs to be a prescription written by authorized persons for nurses to dispense and furnish medications and devices within the state.
Accordingly, the standards of practice profoundly impact the nursing process in different specialty areas. They play a significant role in providing nurses with a framework for their work and forming a certain level of accountability for the nursing profession. They provide a roadmap for nurses to follow when providing care to patients. The national, state, and local regulations affect the scope of practice of nursing professionals. They may hinder nurses from practicing outside their area and state of jurisdiction based on whether a state is compact.
Munday, R. (2022, December 7). California expands nurse practitioner practice authority. NurseJournal. https://nursejournal.org/articles/california-expands-nurse-practitioner-practice-authority/
Nurse Practitioners: Laws & Regulations. (n.d.). California Board of Registered Nursing. https://www.rn.ca.gov/pdfs/regulations/bp2834-r.pdf  California advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners – ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2

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