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ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners

ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners
I have read and reviewed the nurse practice act for the State of Nevada, where I practice as a registered nurse, which can be found at https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NAC/NAC-632.html. Nevada became a full-practice state, and advanced practice nurses (APNs) are recognized as reimbursable up to 85% by third-party payors (Kleinpell et al., 2023; Phillips, 2021). However, under state law, APNs are not recognized as primary care providers, although they can admit and care for patients in the acute care setting (Phillips, 2021). Nevada’s Nurse Practice Act includes several professional codes and business practices pertaining to the advanced practice registered nurse (APRN; Nevada Administrative Code [NAC], 2019). For example, APRNs are required to maintain professional liability insurance (NAC, 2019). The APRN is also expected to maintain a professional portfolio which must contain a copy of each professional license they hold, proof of professional liability insurance, a list of all the locations the APRN currently practices in and has practiced in the two years proceeding the most recent application for license of renewal of a license as an APRN, evidence of any national certifications the APRN holds, proof of continuing education hours for the four years proceeding the most recent application for license or renewal, transcript copies from any institution of higher education the APRN attended, and an attestation that the APRN will not practice out of their scope or population of focus (NAC, 2019).
In the State of Nevada, invasive procedure privileges are granted if they meet specific parameters, including if the procedure is certified to perform the act by an organization recognized by the board, it was taught in an educational program the APRN attended, has been individually approved by the board, or was taught to the APRN by a physician or other APRN and has been described as being performed by an APRN in two or more national nursing publications, national nursing practice guidelines, national standards for nursing (NAC, 2019). Authorization to issue written prescriptions for controlled substances, dangerous drugs, poisons, or devices requires that the APRN has applied for the privilege through the board, has attended a program of advanced pharmacotherapeutics or other courses that meets the board requirements and is intended for the APRN’s population of focus (NAC, 2019).
The Nevada Nurse Practice Act outlines several standards for APRNs. For example, the APRN is expected to effectively communicate and collaborate with other providers of care involved in their patient’s care (NAC, 2019). Another standard includes the expectation that the APRN will recognize, understand, and allow for patient choices relating to their social, cultural, and religious beliefs regarding their psychological and physiological health (NAC, 2019). Communication and collaboration are known strengths of the nursing profession, which add to the benefit of allowing APNs full practice (DeNisco, 2019). APNs can order medications and devices independently when they apply for a license in Nevada after practicing for 2000 hours or two years in another state (Nevada State Board of Nursing [NSBON], n.d.). If the APN is applying as newly certified, they must have a collaborative agreement with a physician for the first 1000 hours without prescribing privileges (NSBON, n.d.). In addition to regulation by the state board of nursing, the adult-gerontological acute care nurse practitioner is subject to other state regulatory body requirements, such as from the state board of medical examiners and state pharmacy boards, affecting scope and practices (DeNisco, 2019). Additionally, federal regulatory processes affect patient access to APRNs, reimbursement, and quality control (DeNisco, 2019).
DeNisco, S. M. (2019). Advanced practice nursing (4th ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Kleinpell, R., Myers, C. R., & Schorn, M. N. (2023). Addressing barriers to APRN practice: Policy and regulatory implications during COVID-19. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 14(1), 13–20. https://doi.org/10.1016/s2155-8256(23)00064-9
Nevada Administrative Code, Chapter 632-Nursing. (2019). https://www.leg.state.nv.us/NAC/NAC-632.html#NAC632Sec259
Nevada State Board of Nursing. (n.d.). APRN licensure-Frequently asked questions [PDF]. https://nevadanursingboard.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/APRN-FAQs.pdf
Phillips, S. J. (2021). 33rd Annual APRN Legislative Update. The Nurse Practitioner, 46(1), 27–55. https://doi.org/10.1097/01.npr.0000724504.39836.69

Topic 1 DQ 2

For California-based learners, review the advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners in California using the resource, “Board of Nursing Links by State,” located on the college page of the Student Success Center under the AGACNP tab.
In your response, acknowledge that you have read the Nurse Practice Act for California. Identify the professional codes and business practices regulated by the California Board of Nursing for nurse practitioners. Explain how standardized procedure guidelines are governed within California, detail at least two standards for nurse practitioners outlined by the California Board of Nursing, and discuss the regulations of furnishing and ordering medications, drugs, and devices within the state.ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners How do national, state, and local regulations affect the AGACNP scope and practices? Support your answer with a minimum of two APRN peer-reviewed resources.
For learners based in states other than California, review the advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners in your respective state using the resource, “Board of Nursing Links by State,” located on the college page of the Student Success Center under the AGACNP tab.
In your response, identify the state in which you practice and acknowledge that you have read your state’s Nurse Practice Act. Identify the professional codes and business practices regulated by the state for nurse practitioners and explain how invasive procedure privileges are granted within your state. Detail at least two standards for nurse practitioners within your state and discuss the regulations for ordering medications and devices within your state. How do national, state, and local regulations affect the AGACNP scope and practices? Support your answer with a minimum of two APRN peer-reviewed resources.

ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners
The Arizona Nurse practice act was developed to regulate and protect the general public from practitioners who are a potential risk to the safety and welfare of the citizens within the state (Arizona State Board of Nursing, n.d). This protection principle is accomplished by testing for complete competence during licensure through the board examination (Arizona State Board of Nursing, n.d) ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners. The board of nursing also implements mandatory annual education requirements to ensure they maintain adequate knowledge to act in the provider role (Arizona State Board of Nursing, n.d). An Arizona board practice test can also be administered to students or current providers that assess APRNs’ disciplinary process, professionalism, scope of practice, and other responsibilities (Arizona State Board of Nursing, n.d).
Medical professionals have established rules and regulations to ensure patient safety. For Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs), four regulatory methods are in place to prevent harm to the public: licensure, registration, certification, and recognition. Acquiring a license is crucial for APRNs, as it is the most important regulation to comply with. Without a license, performing any APRN tasks is illegal. Obtaining a license necessitates demonstrating competency in the relevant scope of practice and maintaining ongoing education throughout one’s career. Certification is also essential in the ACNP industry, representing the individual’s education, experience, and dedicated hours. In the United States, each state has the authority to establish laws governing professions. The nurse practice act further outlines the requirements for practicing as a nurse practitioner, including completing an ACNP education program, managing patients’ health, and conducting assessments. To provide clarity due to varying regulations across states, the NCSBN established a task force called the “Consensus Model for Regulation: Licensure, Accreditation, Certification, and Education (LACE).” This report proposed definitions of APRN practice, titling, and education requirements. As the ACNP field evolves, regulations will adapt accordingly, making it crucial to stay updated as they dictate an ACNP’s scope of practice ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners. A Registered Nurse Practitioner (RNP) in Arizona does not require physician oversight if the task falls within their knowledge and educational training. However, ACNPs in Arizona are limited to treating physiologically unstable patients. Once a patient is considered stable, an ACNP must transfer their care to a primary care provider, as it exceeds their scope of practice. Keeping up with these evolving regulations is vital for ACNPs to ensure public safety.
The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the fact that more healthcare providers are optimally used. The consensus model was developed in 2008 and provided the framework for APRN regulation that aligns with state laws and would clear the way for an APRN compact allowing APRNs to practice across state borders similar to the compact RN license (Buck., 2021). Different regulatory bodies such as this model would help make the foundation for APRN scope of practice more concise and clear. Since the authority determining the scope of practice relies upon the state, it must be the state to help create uniformity. The confusion and widespread differences from state to state only hinder an APRN’s roles and scope of practice. It also creates concerns for current APRNs as they don’t know what part of their scope of practice will change, which can be frustrating and worrisome ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners.
Arizona State Board of Nursing. (n.d.). https://www.azbn.gov/laws-and-rules/statutes
Arizona State Board of Nursing (2021). APRN Questions & Answers. Retrieved
September 9, 2021, from
Buck, M. (2021). An update on the consensus model for aprn regulation: More than a decade of progress. Journal of Nursing Regulation, 12(2), 23–33. https://doi.org/10.1016/s2155-8256(21)00053-3  ANP-650 topic 1 dq 2 advanced practice rules for nurse practitioners

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