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Practitioner Experience in Healthcare Management assignment

For this assignment, you will research internships, volunteer opportunities, and certifications in your chosen degree field Healthcare Administration and Management. Develop a well-written paper that includes the following:

Two internship positions in your chosen degree field Healthcare Administration and Management: Include a link to the description for each internship, and provide a summary of how these positions relate to your degree field Healthcare Administration and Management.
Two volunteer opportunities in your chosen degree field Healthcare Administration and Management: Include a link to the description for each volunteer opportunity, and provide a summary of how these opportunities relate to your degree field Healthcare Administration and Management.
At least one certification within your chosen degree field Healthcare Administration and Management: Include a link to the description of this certification and summarize the qualifications required to obtain it, as well as the value provided by the certification.
Describe your experience completing a personal and career evaluation through the career center website: https://portal.csuglobal.edu/student/page/view/personal-and-career-evaluation.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 4-5 pages in length
Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements

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