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Nursing Personal Philosophy

Instructions for the paper.
1) Use APA format for headings and cite 2 references.
2) Professional grammar, spelling, and punctuation; paragraphs with well-written sentences

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3) Introduction; Write a comprehensive overview of the paper in 1-2 paragraphs
4) Why Nursing? Clearly answer question in 2-3 paragraphs.
5) Essence of Nursing? Clearly answer question in 2-3 paragraphs with citations for the articles provided regarding history, ethical or political factors discussed.
6) Beliefs and Values? Answer each question in separate paragraphs.
7) Vision for the Future? Answer question for all 3-time periods (now, in 5 years, in 10years) listed in separate paragraphs.
8) Summary; at least 1 paragraph of a summary of the paper.
Nursing Personal Philosophy: My beliefs, as a new registered nurse, focus mainly of staying diligent in my care to patients. There are many important nursing philosophies, however, the ones most meaningful to me include a focus on education, discrimination, and helping others holistically.
Nursing is a profession within the healthcare provider industry, whose main focus is maintaining the welfare of patients. Nurses have their main responsibility being to ensure that they provide care and assistance to certain individuals, their families and the community at large, in order to ensure that sickness and having to live with certain health condition does not reduce the ability of life that patients live. Nurses, therefore, help to improve the lives of people and those close to them when they are facing medical issues. Nurses are well conversant with the many problems that patients face when dealing with health issues as they, try to still live quality lives. The nursing profession also provides them with skill and capabilities to provide assistance to these individuals and enable them to live more quality lives. A nurse can, however, be more effective in providing the nursing services to an individual when he or she is highly motivated to provide the service and also highly knowledgeable. The choices that a nurse makes as he or she provides care to a patient, therefore, significantly define the quality of care that is provided. In order to ensure that they make the right decisions nurses utilize the guidance of certain values and beliefs which guide their ethical decision making in their profession. These values and beliefs formulate the philosophy of a nurse (Mclawrence, 2017).
Being an individual that is expanding a career in nursing, I am well conversant with the significantly important roles that I will be required to play within the healthcare provider industry. With this understanding, therefore, I have formulated the values and beliefs which will guide my nursing practice throughout my career. My nursing philosophy comprises of a number of values and beliefs which I intend to uphold in all the nursing operations and activities that I will carry out as a nursing professional. To ensure that my values will help me become a more effective nurse in my practice, I decided to align them with existing nursing theories which help in the establishment of good nursing practice among individuals (Mclawrence, 2017).
The theory that helps to guide my nursing practice is the nursing need theory, which was developed by Virginia Henderson. Henderson is well recognized as one of the most influential nursing educator and author to a large number of nursing based literal materials. One of her authorship led to the development of the nursing need theory. In this theory, Henderson explains that the client of a nurse is an individual that requires the ability to operate independently, but lacks this ability due to the health condition. A major way, therefore, that the nurses can manage to improve the quality of the life of such individuals is by increasing their independence and allowing the clients to manage involving in actions that they would choose to involve in, in case they did not have their negative health condition. With this regard, therefore, the needs theory explain that nurses should use all their capabilities to help patients manage to carry out activities and make a decision the like they would make them in case they did not have the health condition (Olin, 2011).
From the provisions of this theory and consideration of my purpose, I have then managed to develop a number of values and beliefs which will govern my nursing practice. The first value is improvement and advancement of education to help me increase my nursing capabilities. Being a nurse, I have acquired an understanding that on many occasions, I am required to utilize my nursing knowledge to help patients in different situations. Without such knowledge, it would be extremely difficult to offer any form of assistance. With this regard, therefore, I have also attained an understanding that increasing my nursing knowledge will help me acquire better ways to help the patients and thus manage to improve their conditions in better ways compared to how I would help without the knowledge. This value will thus help me offer better nursing services to clients.
The second main value is to ensure that I do not, in any instance show some form of discrimination, which might hinder my ability to provide the patients with better services. In many occasions and within many professions, individuals face significant challenges with the aspect of discrimination. Some professionals offer better services to people that have more money and thus pay them more, while they withhold the extent of services that they offer those that pay them less. On my case, however, I intent to offer the best services possible to all my clients without discriminating on the basis of aspects like religion, or social status of an individual. This will ensure that any client I offer my services will completely benefit from my expertise and I will not in any instance, withhold my services from any individual. The other guiding principle is ensuring that I uphold all the ethical codes provided by the American Nurses Association and Joint Commission Standards organizations. These organizations have formulated the ethical standards that all nurses should uphold in their practice. Since I intend to be guided by ethics in my practice, I am completely entitled to practicing according to the extent which these organizations require.
The other guiding value that I intend to uphold in my practice is educating and helping other individuals involving in the practice, as an effort to improve the general nursing practice in the country. Helping other nurses is an important action which will help in ensuring that all individuals attain an understanding of how they should carry out the practice effectively. This value will also help me become an individual who can be relied on by other people to offer my assistance when they face a situation that is difficult for them to handle. A nurse can, for example, feel free to ask how to handle a certain patient with a certain specific need, and trust that I will offer the best advice on how he or she will carry out the same. Each one of these values helps to shape the nursing values that I intend to have. I will, therefore, incorporate them completely in my nursing practice and use this nursing philosophy as the guide for my practice (Olin, 2011).
Mclawrence, C. (2017). Personal Statement of Beliefs/Philosophy about Nursing: OpenLab. Retrieved from https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/cmclawrence-eportfolio1/professional-nursing/experience/
Olin, J. (2011). Nursing Theories To Practice By: RN Central. Retrieved from http://www.rncentral.com/blog/2011/7-nursing-theories-to-practice-by/

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