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Linguistic Imperialism and the English Language taking over and eliminating cultures Essay
Linguistic Imperialism and the English Language taking over and eliminating cultures Essay
Linguistic Imperialism and the English Language taking over and eliminating cultures
Linguistic imperialism is also known as language imperialism, referring to a dominant language’s unilateral imposition or transfer to other individuals due to imperialism. It is imperative to note that this unilateral imposition or transfer is primarily regarded as a sign of economic power in the current world or traditional military power in previous years. Hence, linguistic imperialism has been found to entail dominance and power. However, it plays an instrumental role in social inequalities establishment between English speakers and other language speakers, leading to a detrimental effect in other cultures. In particular, the English language is widely used in over 130 other regions and countries globally, portraying its dominance over other languages. Linguistic imperialism adversely affects other cultures since the English language is taking over as the dominant language and eliminating cultures in many parts of the world.
In particular, the English language has continued to increase its worldwide popularity over many decades as the preferred global language due to its immense importance of being utilized as the key communication language in the world’s business world Linguistic Imperialism and the English Language taking over and eliminating cultures Essay. According to Tao (36), the English language has continued to play an integral role since the end of World War II as human communication has endeavored to increase and expand significantly. Tao (36) further articulates that English is widely utilized in between 100 to 130 other regions and countries worldwide and is the only general, semi-official, or official language of over 70 nations. Thus, English is the only language that has spread widely and swiftly in human history. Baugh and Cable (3) expound that the English language is important to the world because it is the preferred major language utilized in the international communication and business world. Tao (37) outlines that the English language is also important globally because it is used as the dominant foreign language, official business is predominantly undertaken using the language, and it is the world’s language of education. Tao (37) further states that English is also utilized as the key language in electronic media and communication, is widely used, spread, and taught as a second or foreign language, and plays a vital role in the world’s daily social life. Notably, English continues to exert its global popularity and dominance due to its importance in various aspects, including its rich culture, tradition, and history and its usage in the world’s economy, commerce and trade, science and technology, and political expediency.
In principle, the English language has been linked to various advantages and disadvantages, specifically in the education sector. In reference to Canagarajah and Ben-Said (392), some advantages of the English language in the education sector include enabling the contemporary forms of educational, media, production, and financial relations across borders. Moreover, English is utilized through the material, infrastructural, and technological resources in the education sector more than other imperialistic languages. Canagarajah and Ben-Said (392) also expound on other advantages of the English language in the education sector, including its usage as a superior language due to its capacity to express multifaceted technical, scientific, and philosophical information. On the other hand, the English language has various disadvantages in the education sector, including infiltrating other languages (Mikanowski par. 4). Hence, this infiltration of other languages is detrimental to these languages because it dilutes their cultures. Other disadvantages include home languages in educational institutions such as universities being reduced for “kitchen” conversations since English is preferred for professional interactions and as the research, business, and science language. Linguistic Imperialism and the English Language taking over and eliminating cultures Essay The English language has numerous advantages in the education sector, including being a superior language in expressing complex technical, scientific, and philosophical information, although the language has other disadvantages, such as infiltrating other languages.
On the other hand, despite the English language being popular and beneficial, it is eliminating nations and cultures worldwide, leading to detrimental effects on them. Mikanowski (par. 20) articulates that the English language is oppressive, specifically when it discourages parents from teaching their children their native languages or silences other languages due to its pervasive influence. Thus, this restricts the passing on of various cultures and native languages to future generations, eventually eliminating nations and cultures. Moreover, nations and cultures are built and preserved through individuals’ learning their native languages, traditions, values, and cultures, which eventually becomes impossible when English silences other languages. Tao (39) outlines that technological and economic underdevelopment leads to groups becoming vulnerable to supersession, engulfment, and invasion by more powerful cultures and languages. Notably, the English language’s oppressive nature can potentially eliminate nations and cultures globally.
In summation, linguistic imperialism adversely affects other cultures since the English language is taking over as the dominant language and eliminating cultures in many parts of the world. In particular, the English language continues to increase its worldwide popularity since it is the major preferred global language because of its prominence as the key communication language in the global business and communication world. However, despite these numerous advantages, English has a huge potential to eliminate nations and cultures worldwide due to its oppressive nature, especially when it silences other languages.
Works Cited
Baugh, Albert, C. and Cable, Thomas. A History of The English Language. New York, Routledge, 2002.
Canagarajah, Suresh and Ben-Said, Selim. “Linguistic Imperialism.” ResearchGate, 2011, pp. 391-404.
Chan, Kai. Is the English language too powerful? World Economic Forum, 2 Nov. 2018, https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2018/11/is-english-too-powerful. Accessed 8 Feb. 2023.
Mikanowski, Jacob. Behemoth, bully, thief: how the English language is taking over the planet. The Guardian, 27 Jul. 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/news/2018/jul/27/english-language-global-dominance?CMP=share_btn_link. Accessed 8 Feb. 2023.
Tao, Guo. “Globalization of English: Loss of Minority Languages and Cultural Destruction.” International Forum of Teaching and Studies, vol. 15, no. 2, 2019, pp. 36-44. Linguistic Imperialism and the English Language taking over and eliminating cultures Essay

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