Case Study and Critical Thinking Question
BIOS 260 Week 5 Case Study and Critical Thinking Question
Case Study and Critical Thinking Question: A 48-year-old Caucasian male has come to the emergency room with continual pain in his lower back and flank. He denies dysuria or fever, however, he does report significant nausea but has not vomited. He is extremely agitated and reports that this is the first time he has ever felt like this and that it is the most severe pain he has ever experienced. His basic vitals include a blood pressure of 160/80 mm Hg with a pulse rate of 110 bpm and is afebrile. He is in continual movement on the bed and cannot find a comfortable position. His left side is mildly tender to the touch and there does not appear to be any abdominal sensitivity or distension. Urinalysis is significant for occult blood (1+) with microscopy showing 10–20 RBCs per 400x magnification. The patient is given pain medication to provide temporary relief. What is going on?
1. What are the main presenting issues? Include why they may have arisen.
2. Identify at least one website that you used to learn more about the issues and potential solutions. Briefly explain what was found at the website(s).
3. What is (are) the potential disease or disorder? Include (a) a justification for your decision, (b) the causal agent, and (c) the mode of transmission.
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4. What is the recommended treatment for the most likely disease or disorder you identified?
5. What is the prognosis for the disease or disorder (a) without treatment and (b) with treatment?
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