Cardiovascular Pharmacology NUR7560900
Unit 2: Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
Welcome to Unit 2 of Advanced Pharmacology
Drugs affecting the cardiovascular system is the focus of this week, but we cannot talk about cardiovascular medications without also including the renal system. The two systems are related physiologically, which is why they are covered in tandem.
Your heart is the center of your circulatory system. To fully comprehend the drugs affecting these systems, you will need to apply the pathophysiology you learned in your prior course. Understanding cardiac functional, electrical stimulation, cardiac potential, and mechanisms to maintain blood pressure are critical. All of these mechanisms play in to the healthy function of the heart and when malfunctioning can lead to hypertension and even heart failure.
You will also need to be knowledgeable in homeostasis as an underlying principle to rational drug selection. The Renin-angiotensin system is of high importance in the regulation of homeostasis. Using your pathophysiology knowledge of the renal system and fluid volume will help to guide rational drug selection in addition to the topics in previous weeks of this course.
Unit Learning Objectives:
Examine the principles of pathophysiology and therapeutics that direct the pharmacotherapeutic interventions affecting the cardiovascular and renal systems (CLO 1)
Analyze the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic actions of agents affecting the cardiovascular and renal systems (CLO 2)
Apply critical-thinking processes to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents affecting the cardiovascular and renal systems (CLO 3)
Apply critical-thinking processes to the management and evaluation of expected effects, potential adverse effects, and potential interactions of pharmacological agents affecting the cardiovascular and renal systems (CLO 1,2,3)
Evaluate the impact of pharmacogenomics, access, cost, quality, and safety on prescribing for Drugs Affecting the cardiovascular and renal systems (CLO 4)
Unit 2 “To Do” List
Shadow Health: Antihypertensive Concept Lab due Sunday Week 3
High-Yield Med Review Cardiovascular Quiz due Sunday Week 3
Learning Materials
Learning Materials
Lectures & E-Book
Busti, A. J. (2022). NP Curriculum Support-Advanced Pharmacology for NPs. MedEducation, LLC.
ACEi and ARBs
Aldosterone Antagonists
Alpha 1 Blockers
Alpha 2 Agonists
Beta Blockers
Calcium Channel Blockers
Thiazide Diuretics
Loop Diuretics
Antiarrhythmics Parts 1 & 2
Unit 3 Optional Learning Resources:
Speed Pharmacology. (2017, January 9). Pharmacology – antiarrhythmic drugs (made easy) [Video]. YouTube.
Speed Pharmacology. (2017, March 21). Pharmacology – hypertension & antihypertensives (made easy) [Video]. YouTube.
Speed Pharmacology. (2017, May 16). Pharmacology – drugs for hyperlipidemia (made easy) [Video]. YouTube.
Khan Academy. (2018h). Circulatory system diseases. Retrieved from
Flack, J. M. & Adekola, B. (2020). Blood pressure and the new ACC/AHA hypertension guidelines. Retrieved from
Shadow Health: Concept Lab – Antihypertensive
The purpose of this Shadow Health Concept Lab assignment is to help you achieve the following Course Learning Outcomes 1-5.
This week you will participate in a Shadow Health Concept Lab pertaining to antihypertensives.This will allow you to learn about pharmacological concepts related to commonly administered antihypertensive drugs. This module should take approximately 30 minutes to complete.
What to Submit:
Upon completion of the assignment:
Submit your completion certificate
Submit your reflection response to the questions below
Reflection Response Instructions: Submit a 1 page reflection response to the questions below. Please use APA format and include one scholarly reference.
What resources/guidelines will you use to help identify, diagnose, and treat high blood pressure? Give brief overview of how this will apply to your NP practice.
Shadow Health Technical Support
If at any time you have any questions or encounter any technical issues regarding the Digital Clinical Experience, please contact the Shadow Health support specialists by visiting the Learner Support Page at for contact information and hours. You may email the Learner Support team directly at at any time or by calling 800.860.3241.
HYMR Quiz: Cardiovascular
Following review of all assigned lectures and correlating E-book chapters in High Yield Med Review, you will complete the module quiz in the HYMR platform.
From the Dashboard select “EXAMS”
Navigate to the “Cardiology-Self Assessment”
Click “Take Exam”
You will have one attempt to complete 10 questions in 15 minutes. Once completed, please take a screen shot of your score and upload to this assignment tab for grading. This quiz is worth 20 points, so based on your % score you will receive the correlating points below.
20 points
18 points
16 points
14 points
12 points
10 points
8 points
6 points
4 points
2 points
No submission
0 points
*Please note, faculty are able to view your time and activity in HYMR.*
As we wrap up week three of Advanced Pharmacology, the importance of the effective management of the cardiovascular and renal systems is directly connected to pathophysiology and maintaining homeostasis. Understanding homeostasis as an underlying principle to rational drug selection will continue to be critical. Understanding your pathophysiology knowledge will help to guide rational drug selection in all topics in this course.
Next week, we continue our systems focus, and explore more cardiovascular and hematologic pharmacology.