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Unit 10 IT550


IT550-4: Analyze the impact of technological changes on digital forensics techniques.


Computing technology has been changing rapidly and it is having a major impact on the field of digital forensics. In particular, the shift towards cloud computing is a fundamental change in how computing resources are used. You will research various cloud computing services that are being offered today and how these services impact the overall process of digital forensics.

Assignment Instructions

Research various services models that cloud computing enables. How do cloud services impact the field of digital forensics and how a forensic analysis would be different from one where you are only dealing with devices that you have full control over? List some of the challenges faced when working on a forensic case which utilizes cloud resources.

Consolidate your responses to these requests in a 5–7 pages long paper in Word. Ensure that the document follows APA format.

Assignment Requirements

Your 5–7 pages document should include the following:

  • Title page.
  • Introduction to the content of the report.
  • Describe the impact of changes in technology on the field of digital forensics.
  • Describe the details of how the cloud services impact the field of digital forensics.
  • Describe how a forensic analysis will be different from one where you are only dealing with devices that you have full control over.
  • Provide a summary and highlight the major details and methods.
  • Main body of the paper and reference list in APA format.

Written work should be free of spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Points deducted from the grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructor’s discretion.

    Business Finance – Operations Management APA Writing Exercise Assignment

    The School of Business adheres to APA formatting in all its courses. In this exercise, you are required to discover, document, and compare and contrast three (3) definitions of strategic leadership from three (3) unique scholarly sources. Using the online Jerry Falwell Library (JFL), draw one definition each from a source found in the following databases: Business Source Complete, ERIC, and a database of your choosing (not connected to the other two 

    BMAL 700

    APA Writing Exercise Assignment Instructions

    The Liberty University School of Business wants to ensure that students entering and progressing through the DSL program have a proper understanding of the process and expectations of APA writing, formatting, and style. The School of Business adheres to APA formatting in all its courses. The purpose of this assignment is to assess and enhance your understanding of APA formatting.

    Strategic leadership is not a term that everyone understands. In this exercise, you are required to discover, document, and compare and contrast three (3) definitions of strategic leadership from three (3) unique scholarly sources. Using the online Jerry Falwell Library (JFL), draw one definition each from a source found in the following databases: Business Source Complete, ERIC, and a database of your choosing (not connected to the other two). Limit your search to the last five (5) years and select only from sources that are full-text – PDF.

    Write a 900 word double-spaced paper in APA format that evaluates the definitions found in these articles. Where are they similar? Where do they differ? Would you select one as more correct than the others or would you draw pieces from two or more of them to write your own definition? How would you explain your chosen definition to others? How would you apply this definition in a work setting?

    As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography. The bibliography will be structured as follows: APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference) followed by summary of key points, evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s), where this fits into the assignment, and the library database in which you found the article. A traditional APA reference page and the annotated bibliography will be turned in with the associated paper.


    Criteria Ratings Points

    Scholarly Source Retrieval

    9 to >8 pts


    Includes three (3) unique sources from three (3) unique databases within proper time frame

    8 to >7 pts


    Includes less than three (3) unique sources from three (3) unique databases within proper time frame

    7 to >0 pts


    Does not include three (3) unique sources from three (3) unique databases within proper time frame

    0 pts

    Not Present

    9 pts

    Length of Paper

    5 to >4 pts


    Word count is up to +/- 10% of requirement

    4 to >3 pts


    Word count is between +/- 10-15% of requirement

    3 to >0 pts


    Word count is more than +/- 15 % of requirement

    0 pts

    Not Present

    5 pts

    Content of Paper

    21 to >19 pts


    Paper contains all of the required content and analyses

    19 to >16 pts


    Paper mostly contains all of the required content and analyses

    16 to >0 pts


    Paper contains little of the required content and analyses

    0 pts

    Not Present

    21 pts

    Annotated Bibliography

    15 to >13 pts


    Each entry contains all of the required elements

    13 to >10 pts


    Each entry contains most of the required elements

    10 to >0 pts


    Each entry contains less than most of the required elements or some entries are complete while others are not

    0 pts

    Not Present

    15 pts

    Quality of Writing; APA Format

    15 to >13 pts


    No notable spelling and/or grammar errors; format is easy to follow; proper APA format

    13 to >10 pts


    Minimal spelling and/or grammar errors; format is generally easy to follow; generally proper APA format

    10 to >0 pts


    Significant spelling and/or grammar errors; format is not easy to follow; proper APA format not used

    0 pts

    Not Present

    15 pts

    Total Points: 65

    APA Writing Exercise Grading Rubric | BMAL700_B12_202440

    risk analysis

     The protection and security of personal health information within the business setting is driven by regulatory requirements. This course is designed to examine the regulatory requirements that help to incentivize and drive compliance with specific criteria associated with privacy and security expectations 



      P a description of the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis, and explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your work setting. Which social determinant(s) most affects this health issue? Then, describe how your health system work setting has responded to the healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented. Be specific and provide examples. 


      • Broome, M., & Marshall, E. S. (2021). Transformational leadership in nursing: From expert clinician to influential leader (3rd ed.). New York, NY: Springer.
        • Chapter 2, “Transformational Leadership: Complexity, Change, and Strategic Planning” (pp. 34–62)
        • Chapter 3, “Current Challenges in Complex Health Care Organizations and the Quadruple Aim” (pp. 66–97)

      Read any TWO of the following (plus TWO additional readings on your selected issue):

      Business Finance – Operations Management DOCTORAL LEVEL EXERCISE ASSIGNMENT INSTRUCTIONS


      For this exercise, you will write a 900 word paper, using proper APA format, that clearly
      discusses three (3) of the six (6) levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy as it relates to Servant Leadership

      BMAL 700

      Writing at the Doctoral Level Exercise Assignment Instructions

      Scholarly writing demands the author be purposeful, clear, concise, formal, and objective (without bias). This type of work also requires the author to consider the cognitive level of the article under evaluation. Bloom’s Taxonomy is a well-known and respected structure that is useful for this purpose.

      For this exercise, you will write a 900 word paper, using proper APA format, that clearly discusses three (3) of the six (6) levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy as it relates to Servant Leadership (SL). As an example, does the article demonstrate drawing connections among ideas? This would correspond to the analyze level. Using the JFL, locate and document at least three (3) scholarly articles, one for each level of Bloom’s Taxonomy used. Prepare a standard APA reference page.

      As part of this project, prepare an annotated bibliography. The bibliography will be structured as follows: APA formatted reference (minimum 250 words per reference) followed by summary of key points, evaluation of the quality of the publication, evaluation of the quality of the author(s), where this fits into the assignment, and the library database in which you found the article. A traditional APA reference page and the annotated bibliography will be turned in with the associated paper.


      Below is a periodical reference. The standard form has 4 parts: i) Author and Date, ii) Title of Article, iii) Title of Periodical, and iv) Issue, Volume and Page. The citation has 1 APA format error located in one of its 4 parts. Locate the error.

      Shim, J. (2014). Multicultural education as an emotional situation: Practice encountering the unexpected in teacher education. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 46(1), 116-137. doi:10.1080/272.2013.876



        In your post, discuss the following:

        1. Briefly describe your experience during this course. This can include any type of group of psychotropic medications you consider you will use more in your future practice ( use SSRI).
        2. Choose one such group of medications covered during this course and describe more fully and reflect on it.
          1. Identify the type of medication group of your choice.
          2. Describe the basic history of psychotropic medication.
          3. Identify your role as a future PMHNP when using this group of psychotropic medication.
          4. Describe the purpose and function of the group of medication you chose and why?

          Application of Course Knowledge

          1. Application of Course Knowledge: Answer all questions/criteria with explanations and detail. 
            • Reflect on your learning experience. Which concepts stood out to you and made an impact?  How do you envision using the concepts learned in this course in your future nursing practice as a master’s prepared nurse?   
            • Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve Program Outcome 5: Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary Nursing). 
            • Describe how course learning activities and assignments will help you achieve ONE of the subcompetencies listed below that are related to the AACN Essentials Competency 10.3: Develop Capacity for Leadership: 
              • 10.3j Provide leadership to advance the nursing profession
              • 10.3k Influence intentional change guided by leadership principles and theories.
              • 10.3l Evaluate the outcomes of intentional change
              • 10.m Evaluate strategies/methods for peer review
              • 10.3n Participate in the evaluation of other members of the care team
              • 10.3o Demonstrate leadership skills in times of uncertainty and crisis
              • 10.3p Advocate for the promotion of social justice and eradication of structural racism and systematic inequity in nursing and society
              • 10.3q Advocate for the nursing profession in a manner that is consistent, positive, relevant, accurate, and distinctive 
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