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Assignment: Model Of Care

The Community Nursing Practice Model is a model of care that reaches everyone in the community, including poor people and uninsured people…”

The Nurse Practitioner in the community provides primary care to all the population in need.

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Develop an educational program to oriented and teach patient and students.

Research and Management many public health matters and can be part of many health projects.

The nurse practitioner in the community can be a Primary Care Health Care, a Pediatric care provider, Midwife, Long Term Care Facility Provider, Leader of the community

All Essential of Nursing are patent in this Article, Essential II, Organizational and Systems Leadership: All kind of activities related to improving the care must be organized and planned, the role of the leader is very important to head this organization to keep the control over all activities to promote high quality and safe patient care. Leadership skills are needed that emphasize ethical and critical decision making, effective working relationships, and a systems perspective, and Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health: The Master’s program makes a nurse with an open expectation to integrate patient care knowledge, community activities to develop health improvement, best application of assessment patient necessities, implementation of new programs critically think, everything in post of integrating patient care delivery activities.


Parker, M. E and Smith, M. C. Nursing Theories and Nursing Practice. Fourth Edition.
AACN. Essential of Nursing paper.
Community Nursing Practice
The community nursing practice primary focus is on the provision of the relevant care to the members of the societies that are considered to be disadvantaged. The primary aim of community nursing is to improve the dignity of underserved communities. The immigrants are a representation of the members of the society that benefit from the Community Nursing practice. Most of them do not have the relevant documents to allow them to access the health services form the hospitals. Most of them tend to rely on the traditional care methods, and in most instances they are inefficient. Through the provision of health care practice, they get relevant access to health and care. The mortality rate is reduced in the communities as the diseases are identified and controlled at an earlier stage. The action also leads to the improvement of the quality of life for the individuals in the communities.
The article describes the role of the Nurse in society and the effects they have towards the improvement of the quality of life in society. It also identifies the opportunities of the NPs in the community health setting. Most of the Nurse practitioners are at the Masters Level, and they apply their medical knowledge in conjunction with the diagnostic ability and the disease management to control the outbreaks amongst the vulnerable communities. In conducting their daily activities, they also take into account the need for the building of the patient strengths and their demands also. The author describes the primary role being on the provision of individualized care on the patients. The essential aspect of the Practitioner is on the improvement of patient outcomes in different primary care settings by the combination of the relevant medical skills and nursing care. It also enhances the participation of the community in the provision of the quality of life for the members of society.
“Community Health Improvement Navigator – CDC.” Cdc.Gov, 2019, https://www.cdc.gov/chinav/index.html.
Locsin, R. C. (2014). Rozzano Locsin’s technological competency as caring and the practice of knowing persons in nursing. Nursing theories and nursing practice, 460-471.
Wessel, L. A. (2005). Nurse practitioners in community health settings today. Journal of health care for the poor and underserved, 16(1), 1-6.
Being a nurse practitioner include tasks that physicians, nurses, and other health care professionals perform. NPs make a major contribution to the current healthcare system. Having an APRN in your practice will contribute in the following aspects: offering diagnoses, prescribing medications, recommending treatments, providing consultations, and other services to shift some of the burden away from the physicians. APRNs function at the degree for which they are prepared to assist and improve healthcare. APRNs help to decrease inequalities in areas where extreme medical doctor shortages are present such as rural areas, in which scarcities have persisted and are expected in the foreseeable future (Ortiz et. al., 2018).
Practicing APRNs bring high-quality of care, decrease health care costs, introduce education initiatives in regards to of a healthy life style, and increase preventative medicine rather than tertiary care of the diseases.
It is important to mention that patient’s satisfaction rate is high of APRNs practicing in rural and urban areas. However, it is also vital that a dichotomy exists in the areas with large rural population, where APRNs are working in minute clinics, community centers, and remote clinics like the author in the article on community health (Wessel, 2005). Many rural communities, specifically in distant regions, have a less restrictive scope of practice regulations for APRNs. These areas experience serious, consistent challenges in recruiting qualified practitioners and knowledgeable professionals (Ortiz et. al., 2018).
As a future advanced practice registered nurse, I believe in the safe practice of medicine in a community setting, therefore I want to highlight Essential III. This Essential focuses on the Quality Improvement and Safety. We have to provide safe methods of care to our patients no matter what setting we are practicing in. It is imperative to utilize safe techniques and methods, which comply with the evidence based practice, policies, and procedures to ensure a superior care and high quality outcomes (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). Our ultimate goal is healthy patients. The continuous improvement of our skills and detailed knowledge in our specialties will reward us with great results.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2011). The essentials of master’s education in
nursing [PDF]. Retrieved from
Ortiz, J., Hofler, R., Bushy, A., Lin, Y. L., Khanijahani, A., & Bitney, A. (2018). Impact of
Nurse Practitioner Practice Regulations on Rural Population Health Outcomes.
Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 6(2), 65. doi:10.3390/healthcare6020065
Tappen, R. (2010). Advanced nursing research: From theory to practice (2nd ed.).
Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Wessel, L.A. (2005). Nurse Practitioners in Community Health Settings Today. Journal of
Health Care for the Poor and Undeserved.

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