Nursing Information System
Nursing information system deals with the maintenance of nursing records. Managing the patients’ data can be challenging, especially if you lack knowledge of the nursing information system and how it works. Due to the technological development of managing data in hospitals, you must keep up with every advancement.
In this blog, we help you know the new trend based on managing patients’ data in nursing. If you are new in nursing, you do not have to worry about the information on data management. By reading this article, you will understand the meaning of a nursing information system and its purpose.
What is a nursing information system
Nursing information systems are electronic systems that store and manage clinical data from different healthcare environments. It is also defined as a computer application that manages clinical information. Researchers have determined that about 13% of a nurse’s time is spent directing patient care, and the remaining is used to manage patient health information.
Nursing information helps to record the treatment progress of the patient and the care being administered. A nursing information management system is required to keep patient data secure and maintain it for years. All the information is stored in digitalized devices to ensure that it can be easily accessed whenever required.
Advantages of nursing information system in nursing
If you search “what are the advantages of an information system in nursing?” Below are some advantages or evaluations of nursing information systems and reasons why they are essential. They include the following:
It helps increase patient data safe
Nursing information systems do not store and display data but synthesize patient information. This helps program security checks that inform a nurse of any adverse effects the patient can get or experience before prescribing a specific medication. Storing patient data such as lab results, medical history, x-ray results, and other records in one place helps to minimize mistakes, especially when some relevant patient information is missing in decision-making.
Helps maintain effective care coordination
Nursing information systems allow multiple nursing professionals who manage patients’ medical care records, health updates, and any findings concerning health. Many welfare health establishments use a powerful nursing information system to allow the medical staff to document and share every bit of patient health care progress and the kind of treatment administered. This information system has helped improve care coordination and quality patient care management.
It has improved the accessibility of patient’s data
Information systems allow quick access to patients’ health records. This also helps to improve the nurses’ performance in treatment. Nursing information systems not only improve access for nursing professionals but also for patients.
It minimizes the operational cost
The nursing information system allows public health institutions to allocate resources and help save energy, time, and supplies. It also helps to avoid expensive mistakes, save a significant amount of money, and utilize essential data on the special needs of an admitted patient that will be required in decision-making.
Disadvantages of nursing information systems
The following are the limitations of a nursing information system; they include:
Outdated data, especially when the information system is not updated when new data is uploaded
Selecting and installing a nursing information system consumes a lot of time and requires a large amount of money
When the system is not highly maintained, it can lead to a loss of records and accuracy.
Difficulty in moving from the manual information process to the new nursing information system
Lack of an IT expert among the nursing professionals
The influx of patients visiting public hospitals makes transferring data to a computerized system challenging.
Role of a nurse leader in the management information system
As an aspiring nursing leader, you must understand nursing information system management. Understanding the role of a nurse in the management information system helps you combine your analytical and nursing skills as a nurse leader. This helps you provide your patient with the quality care they need and help you answer your question, “what is the goal of the nursing information system?”
Many nursing leaders use the information to analyze new trends in healthcare and potential mistakes in providing patients with medical care. As a nurse leader, you must ensure that the information is properly used. If the health information system in nursing is not user-friendly, as a nursing leader, you must report the issue to the nursing information specialist to correct the issue.
In many cases, nurses use patient information to help increase patient care satisfaction and safety. Nursing information helps nursing leaders communicate effectively with other nursing professionals, especially in decision-making. It also provides quick solutions to help nurses focus on their patients in providing care.
The meaning of the pharmacy system
A pharmacy information system is defined as a system that has several functions to maintain the supply and management of drugs. This system can either be for pharmacy only or coordinated in an inpatient hospital system to ease data transfer. The pharmacy information system also helps avoid medication errors, increase patient safety, and track costs.
Inpatient pharmacy information system is mainly used in hospital settings. In contrast, the outpatient pharmacy information system is used at home, especially for patients discharged from hospitals and long-term healthcare clinics. The outpatient pharmacy information system is mostly considered satisfying in medical labeling and medical instructions for administration.
Medication data is mostly electronically documented for safety and to reduce paperwork. Pharmacists are required to prepare this file for the nurses to use in administering medicine; this helps keep track of drug usage. The outpatient and inpatient pharmacy information management enables the pharmacist to determine the physician’s order and dispense the drugs for administration; this gives the pharmacist a chance to change orders in one step.
Roles of a radiology information system
To run a successful radiology practice, you must deeply understand the radiology information system and dedicate your time. Many practices depend on old systems that involve paperwork to maintain patients’ files and arrange their tasks. These practices are at a higher risk when compared to those relying on radiology information systems.
Many students ask what radiology information means; a radiology information system is basically a database system that is used to arrange and store radiology patients’ information. It mainly accommodates files and images collected during the diagnosis and treatment process. The radiology information system is specifically designed for radiology procedures; this electronic health record system is important because:
It allows workers to eliminate excess information found in the registration process of new patients
Minimizes errors in data entry
It saves money and energy
It allows for accurate diagnosis
It improves the patient care
It helps to better patient coordination
It improves material management
Intelligent nursing information system in emergency
As a nursing student, you may come across an assignment question that asks you to describe the application of an intelligent nursing information system in the emergency unit. Considering the rapid growth of computer information technology, nursing management has continuously developed into intelligence. Researchers use internet technology to link nursing management with the hospital information system to enable the nurse’s medical staff to virtually secure patients’ physical signs details.
Depending on the hospital data security, the intelligent nursing information system is monitored to analyze the clear network communication. The intelligent nursing information system is applied to patient safety order data, patient condition information, and information access to save time and complete the accurate management of the medical order. In an intelligent emergency unit, the intelligent information system is applied to the emergency settings using strict real-time requirements.
The intelligent nursing emergency unit has a vast development space and practical advantage. In many emergency units, there are low degrees, which makes it difficult, especially during emergency medical work. Therefore, many hospitals designed an emergency intelligent information project to reduce the stress during emergency medical service.
What are the three components of nursing informatics?
Nursing informatics is a discipline that combines computer science, nursing science, and information science to control data and provide knowledge and wisdom in the nursing practice. Today, nurses use technology to coordinate patient care and data management to enhance and help analyze medical care results. This helps to provide evidence on nursing practice and use the information system to improve health care.
As a nurse, you must have skills to use blood cuffs and communication skills to interact with patients, families, and other medical staff. Nursing informatics focuses on the ethical application of nursing information system knowledge gained through education, research, and nursing practice to provide quality services to patients, improve their health and acquire the nursing knowledge to further their nursing career.
Types of nursing information systems
Nursing information systems are available and mainly used by nursing professionals. Nurses gather information and compile it to determine the care to be given to the patient and the general public. Below are some nursing information system examples used in health facilities. The common types of the nursing information system include:
Practice management software
Electronic medical record
The master patient index
Patients’ portals
Laboratory information system
Clinical decision support systems
Remote patient monitoring system
To wind-up
Healthcare facilities can be competent through nursing information systems and increase performance in the digitalized nursing field. Every facility using the information system has a chance to achieve quality medical care goals to empower other healthcare professions.
Visit our online platform:, to learn more about the nursing information system. We also offer the best nursing assignment help; therefore, do not hesitate to seek assistance.