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Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Treatment Plan
Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Treatment Plan: 23 of 23 (100.00%)

Problem Selection
7 out of 7


Learner Selection
Model Documentation

 Diagnosis: xxx

 Change in prescription
 Hair loss
 Report of xx

Learner Rationale:
Given the signs and symptoms presented by the patient, xxx is the most appropriate diagnosis

Score: 7 out of 7

 Diagnosis: xxx

Change in prescription
Hair loss
Report of xx

Model Rationale:
xx is the most appropriate diagnosis for Mrs. Hopkins given the evidence available. Mrs. Hopkins displays xx, and reports xx, all of which can indicate an exacerbation of xx, with which Mrs. Hopkins has already been diagnosed Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Treatment Plan. Her elevated xx test results also support this diagnosis. This exacerbation in symptoms are likely a result of the pharmacy changing Mrs. Hopkins’s medication from xx, which for some patients can result in medication inefficacy and uncontrolled symptoms.


Plan of Care
7 out of 7

Review your answers for the Plan of Care activity. You must select “Yes” or “No” for each of the seven care actions. You will receive one point for determining the correct answer for each care action.

Learner Selection
Model Documentation

Pharmacological Intervention

Selected: xx

Learner Rationale:
xx condition for the patient will require medications to manage the symptoms.

Score: 1 out of 1

Recommended: xx
The xx issues Mrs. Hopkins is experiencing are related to her medication. She will require a prescription for the appropriate medication to address her symptoms. You will conduct a medication selection in the next activity.

Medication Selection
9 out of 9

This activity represents your ability to synthesize subjective data, objective data, guidelines, drug interactions, and contraindications to select the most effective medications(s) for the patient’s problems. Your points are based on the selection of correct medication(s) for the patient’s indication(s), with some points being removed based on the number of attempted tries.

Learner Selection
Model Documentation

Selected Medication:
Score: 9 out of 9

xx, with the prescription instructions of xx micrograms, xx, is the most appropriate medication selection for Mrs. Hopkins. Mrs. Hopkins had previous success in
Maureen Hopkins Shadow health Treatment Plan

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