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HSM 420 Course Project Topic Selection

HSM 420 Course Project Topic Selection Week 2
It is expected that you will provide a focused topic, including a statement of the key challenges or problems currently associated with the topic in America.

HSM 420 Course Project Topic Selection Preview:
… For the course project, the paper will focus on fraud and abuse in managed care and how to prevent such instances. The paper will include information on various fraudulent and abusive acts of healthcare providers, including steps the government has taken to…
HSM 420 Course Project Outline Week 5

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It is expected that the outline be submitted in a formal outline format as demonstrated below. Your outline should show enough detail to demonstrate that you have begun thinking about the organization of your paper and the research required into the topic. After your outline, please submit a listing of the sources you have already identified for your paper.
The Introduction part of the paper will provide an executive summary of the issues on fraud and abuse in managed care environments. It has been proven that fraud and abuse cases cause economic drain on the health care system, including the country’s health care system due to the health problems of its citizens. While it is true that…
HSM 420 Final Course Project Week 7 (170 points) Preventing Fraud and Abuse in Managed Care
It is expected that the final version of your Course Project will be 7–10 pages in length, with 6–8 sources identified.
Fraud and abuse cases are among the leading reasons why a country’s health care system experiences economic drain. Despite the vigilance of various sectors in society in ascertaining that fraud and abuse cases in health care are brought to the forefront, only about 10% of these cases have been clearly identified. This is because many of those who are in the health care industry are involved in those cases. Additionally, even patients are involved in deception tactics in the…

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