HE003: Delivery of Services
HE003: Delivery of Services
Short Answer Submission Form
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Delivery of Services Instructions
Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each item contains the Rubric which will be used to evaluate your responses.
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1. Raymond is a 54-year-old man who lives in a rural part of Mississippi. He is a skilled worker but his job does not provide health insurance. Raymond does not qualify for Medicaid, and he cannot pay for health insurance. He has not received consistent or coordinated healthcare for most of his life. The closest clinic is over 30 miles away, and he does not have the money for both the co-pays and gas. Raymond has been diagnosed with hypertension, and his family history includes pulmonary embolisms and heart disease.
Emmanuel is 55-year-old man who lives in Jackson, Mississippi. He is an office manager and receives insurance from his employer. Emmanuel has had annual medical and dental exams from the same providers for several years. Emmanuel has a family history of Type 2 diabetes and he was recently diagnosed as pre-diabetic and obese. Emmanuel received referrals to an endocrinologist and a registered dietitian, and he was instructed to increase his physical activity.
Describe the challenges and barriers to access; affordability; and availability for Raymond and Emmanuel. (1–2 pages)
Describe the potential social, economic, and health outcomes for Raymond and Emmanuel if prevention had a higher priority in the US. (1 page)
Your Response for Delivery of Services
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Delivery of Services Rubric
Not Present 1
Needs Improvement 2
Meets Expectations 3
Exceeds Expectations
Sub-Competency 1: Describe how the delivery of care is affected for those with and without insurance in relation to cost, quality, and access.
Learning Objective
LO 1.1: Describe challenges and barriers to access, affordability, and availability for individuals with and without insurance.
Comparisons between patients’ history of care and possible health outcomes are missing.
Response inaccurately describes the different challenges and barriers to access, affordability, and availability for the individuals in the case presented. Or, issues of access, affordability, and/or cost are not discussed.
Challenges and barriers do not illuminate differences between insured and uninsured individuals.
Response accurately describes the different challenges and barriers to access, affordability, and availability for the individuals in the case presented.
Challenges and barriers illuminate differences between insured and uninsured individuals.
Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response includes examples about how health insurance affects patient and population health outcomes and impacts life expectancy.
Response describes challenges and barriers for a third individual (hypothetically) to highlight additional nuances related to access, affordability, and availability of individuals with and without insurance.
Delivery of Services Learning Objective
LO 1.2: Describe potential social, economic, and health outcomes if prevention has a higher priority in the U.S.
Description of potential social, economic, and health outcomes if prevention has a higher priority in the U.S. is missing.
Response vaguely or inaccurately describes potential social, economic, and health outcomes for the individuals in the case presented, given an increase in preventative care in the US, or Response does not address the situations of both individuals in the case.
Response accurately describes potential social, economic, and health outcomes for the individuals in the case presented, given an increase in preventative care in the US.
Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response provides examples of two preventative care programs and how they affect social, population, economic, and health outcomes.
2. Define the continuum of care process, including objectives and the relationship to organizations and patients. (2–3 sentences)
Enter your response here
Delivery of Services Rubric
Sub-Competency 2: Explain the continuum of care process in a variety of settings.
Learning Objective
LO 2.1: Define the continuum of care process.
Definition of the continuum of care process is missing.
Response vaguely defines the continuum of care process.
Response clearly defines the continuum of care process, including objectives and the relationship to organizations and patients.
Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response provides examples that illustrate the benefits of the services along the continuum of care.
3. Describe the following settings and types of care, including objectives and basic components. (2–3 sentences each)
· Primary care
· Secondary (general hospital)
· Tertiary (teaching)
· Specialty hospitals
· Outpatient programs (surgery, outpatient rehab)
· Nursing homes
· Rehabilitation settings
· Assisted living
· Home health
· Hospice
Your Response
Enter your response here
Sub-Competency 2: Explain the continuum of care process in a variety of settings.
Learning Objective
LO 2.2: Describe various healthcare settings and types of care.
Descriptions of various healthcare settings and types of care is missing.
Response inaccurately describes the following settings and types of care and/or does not include objectives and basic components.
· Primary care
· Secondary (general hospital)
· Tertiary (teaching)
· Specialty hospitals
· Outpatient programs (surgery, outpatient rehab)
· Nursing homes
· Rehabilitation settings
· Assisted living
· Home health
· Hospice
Response describes the following settings and types of care, including objectives and basic components.
· Primary care
· Secondary (general hospital)
· Tertiary (teaching)
· Specialty hospitals
· Outpatient programs (surgery, outpatient rehab)
· Nursing homes
· Rehabilitation settings
· Assisted living
· Home health
· Hospice
Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “2,” plus the following:
Response describes how the services may be coordinated for a particular patient.
4. Describe the personnel who should be part of a multidisciplinary team that focuses on patient-centered care in an inpatient setting. Include at least six disciplines and provide a rationale for each, including each member of the team. (1 page)
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