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Family Health Assessments Part II
Family Health Assessment Part II
Introduction: SDOH Affecting Family Health Status
The living environment can be determined by work availability and availability of social amenities such as schools, hospitals, and markets. Also, the ability to access social amenities such as healthcare and schools as well as an understanding of services offered affects the overall health of the family. Family Health Assessment Part II Individuals who are injured or ill are required to seek medical attention in clinics or hospitals for appropriate medical help hence family health literacy is essential. The context of living in a community, particularly the social standing on how a person lives and associates with others or the relationships in the community may shape their health (Lathrop, 2020). The paper serves to discuss the impact of social determinants on family health, age-appropriate screening recommendations, assessment of the health model, and family-centered health promotion and communication strategies
The Impact of SDOH on Family Health Status
The resources which promote the quality of life such as affordable and safe housing, public safety, availability of nutritious food, health or emergency services, and a safe environment are key social determinants affecting health. Luckily, the family resides in a safe and desirable neighborhood in the Suburb built-up area of Seattle in Washington State. The neighborhood has excellent social amenities such as schools, easy access to healthcare, nearby markets to buy nutritious food, and a supportive social network of friends and Family Health Assessment Part II. The availability of insurance and health literacy among family members who are healthcare providers enables the family to seek appropriate healthcare services (Friedman & Banegas, 2018). However, the insurance may not cover some healthcare costs hence causing anxiety due to out-of-pocket expenses. The neighborhood and built environment affect the living conditions since markets that provide nutritious foods, crime, environmental pollutants, and violence in the surrounding may influence the health of the family.
Age-Appropriate Screening Recommendation
            The common screening tools for the children are Age and Stages Questionnaire, Child Development Inventory, and Brigance Screen II. These screening tools can be useful in determining developmental delays in children as well as their physical, motor, and language skills. There is no prevalent physical or mental problem among adult members of the family thus allocating a specific screening tool is challenging. The proper analysis of abuse among children is appropriate since they are susceptible to experiencing abuse. Their emotional and behavioral responses should be assessed to determine if they have experienced abuse (Lathrop, 2020). The use of chosen screening tools relies on the healthcare provider’s choice as their assessment of the desire by family members to answer questions in an honest manner is key. Additionally, the assessment of the family should be based on their level of education as the ability to clarify inquiries and phrase questions need a proper understanding of their levels of education.
The Health Model and Plan of Action
The socio-ecological model is ideal for the assessment of social determinants of health since it explores health dynamics at home, play, work, and school among family members. According to the model, most family conducts are influenced by factors outside their household although their attitude significantly affects these factors. For instance, peers, neighborhood, workplace, and family elements need to be explored using the socio-ecological model. The model is appropriate for the family because behavioral changes may account for members’ readiness, motivation, and social abilities (Khatri & Karkee, 2018). Other than the cyclical processes, the model entails other activities that are helpful in evaluating the impact of change on the family, particularly the cost-benefit analysis. Additionally, the model will address health practices that are appropriate for the family such as exercise, routine checkups, and appropriate eating habits Family Health Assessment Part II.
Family-centered health promotion and communication strategies
The family-centered health promotion includes a supportive family system, social support, affordable health, and family therapy. A family that is supportive offers essential needs to individuals in the family including appropriate diet and basic healthcare. The social support system helps members to recover from psychosocial problems to maintain optimal mental and physical health. The available family therapy offers a safe space for members to express their concerns including emotional problems and frustrations thus living objectively with proper adherence to social guidelines and norms (Friedman & Banegas, 2018). Therefore, family-centered health promotion is essential for coping with emerging social problems especially those encountered due to school or job pressure hence enabling the member to embrace appropriate interpersonal relationships. The appropriate communication is open communication and collaborative engagements among family members. The use of open communication enables family members to share concerns and participate in diverse health issues.
In summary, the social determinants of health that affects family health status basically impact health decisions, attitudes toward self-care, and access to care. For instance, the living environment of an individual may predispose him or her to diseases although factors such as economic stability influence the choice of living. Most of the social determinants of health are intertwined as they influence each other but understanding their connection is simple (Lathrop, 2020). The essential parameters during the screening process include the communication of family members hence active listening by the screener is useful, especially the intonation and words used as well as the facial expression, body language, and interaction. The appropriate health model is the socio-ecological model that is ideal for the assessment of social determinants of health. Family Health Assessment Part II Also, family-centered health promotion includes a supportive family system, social support, affordable health, and family therapy.
Lathrop, B. (2020). Moving toward health equity by addressing social determinants of health. Nursing for Women’s Health, 24(1), 36-44. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.nwh.2019.11.003
Friedman, N. L., & Banegas, M. P. (2018). Toward addressing social determinants of health: a health care system strategy. The Permanente Journal, 22. https://doi: 10.7812/TPP/18-095. PMCID: PMC6207437.
Khatri, R. B., & Karkee, R. (2018). Social determinants of health affecting utilisation of routine maternity services in Nepal: a narrative review of the evidence. Reproductive Health Matters, 26(54), 32-46. https://doi.org/10.1080/09688080.2018.1535686  Family Health Assessment Part II

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