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1. What is strong atrificial intelligence?

2. What is weak artificial intelligence?

Please watch the following videos and respond to the questions.

Video 1



1. Why is there a rise in self check out machines according to the video?

2. How would you feel if you did all you could to prepare for the future (e.g., finishing high school and college, getting student loans, working hard to get your dream job) just to find out that a machine can replace my job for lower cost with less error?

Video 2



3. Based on Video #2, what does everyone think are the two possible consequences of AI?

4. What does "Domain Specific Expertise" mean in Stage 3 of AI?

5. What are the three possible responses humans can take as AI improves in the future based on this video?

6. The following are a list of jobs or career fields that are threatened by artificial intelligence based on a Google search.  Pick one of the following job/career fields and explain why you think the job is threatened by artifical intelligence (Please keep in mind this is a projection based on a Google search and it is only a projection of what may happen and not that it will occur).

AI Job Threatened.png

    Platinum Essays