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Basic Accounting assignment

Part A: Answer each of the following questions in one or two paragraphs. Each answer is 20 worth 20 points.

Explain what a balance sheet is, and how it’s different from the income statement, the statement of the changes I owner’s equity, and the statement of cash flows.
What is a return on equity? How is it calculated? And why is it significant?
List four examples of timing differences, and explain why they’re significant.

Part: B Answer each of the following questions in one to four sentences. Each answer is worth 4 points.

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Determine which classification of accounting is most concerned with the use of economic and financial information to plan and control many of the activities of the entity.
How the return on investment measure of performance calculated?
Is financial accounting historical scorekeeping or is it future oriented?
What does the bookkeeping/accounting process begin with?
Explain the significance of the allowance for Bad debts account.
In Financial accounting, what is one application of the matching concept?
Explain what a callable bond is?
What is the slate voting?
Who are the ultimate owners of a corporation?
What is the term used to describe the revenues of the firms that sell purchased or manufactured products?  
Anatomy and Physiology I 
Part A: Answer each of the following question in short paragraph. Each answer is worth 20 points.


An 80- year old woman is having trouble walking without falling down. Explain how disorders of many organs may contribute to her problem.
At a routine heath screening, a 54 year old man is found to have an elevated blood glucose kevel.  The test is repeated several times on separate occasions but yields the same results. If his condition isn’t treated adequately, what complication might develop and in which organ systems? What type if counseling does this man need?
Describe in detail the pathway for a signal traveling from one neuron to another. Start from the dendrites of one neuron to the dendrites of an adjacent neuron. What aspect of the neuron helps speed up signal transmission? 

Part: B Answer each of the following questions in one to three sentences. Each answer is worth 4 points.

After you donate blood, what cellular process is responsible for regenerating a fresh supply of blood cells in your body? Where does this process occur? 
Which specialized cells in the eye are responsible for sensing dim light, bright light, and color vision?
A 60- year old woman reports pain her knees that started during a rigorous hiking trip. She had no pain before the hiking trip. Her knees and distal thigh are swollen and tender. She can no longer walk on that leg. Which conditions of the muscular and skeletal systems might this woman have?
Identify the portions of the integumentary system that do and don’t have nerves.
A 25 –year old man spends much of his time outdoors without using any type of protection from the sun. Which two conditions should this man be concerned about? How can these conditions be prevented?
When you spot an angry bear in the woods, you want to escape quickly. Which part of the nervous system and which gland of the endocrine system are suddenly called into action?
Which organs and structures are involved in maintaining appropriate levels of calcium in the blood? Name the specialized type of system that controls this activity.
Outline the molecular structure of a protein.
A 17- year- old male is only 4 feet tall. He hasn’t grown in 3 years. Which gland is likely malfunctioning?  What’s the status of the growth zones in the long bones of this young man?
What two diseases are classified as begin neuromuscular diseases? What are the characteristics of these diseases?  
Anatomy and Physiology II 
Part A: Answer each of the following questions in one or two paragraph. Each answer is worth 20 points.


A young woman repots feeling very tired and having heavy menstrual periods. She has also been trying to lose weight with a fad diet that doesn’t supply adequate vitaminB12, iron or folic acid. What blood- related condition might explain her fatigue?
Brain is 30- year – old man who is concerned about the risk of having a heart attack. His father died of a heart attack at 35. What symptoms of a heart attack should you teach brain?
Explain Lactose intolerance and what needs to be done to treat this disorder. 

Part: B Answer each of the following questions in one to three sentences. Each answer is worth 4 points.

Caused List two sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses and two caused by bacteria.
An 80 – year- old male patient has a poor appetite. What could be the cause of this patient’s appetite loss?
A healthy 39- year- old woman has signs of an ear infection. The Doctor confirms the diagnosis by looking into her ear with an otoscope. But the doctor also checks the inside of her mouth and throat. Why?
How many chromosomes do gametes have? How does this compare to body cells? Why is there a difference in the number of chromosomes between these types of cells?
What is the difference between glomerulonephritis and glomerulosclerosis?
A 26- year- old man has a discharge from his penis as well as painful urination. Which two diseases are the most likely causes if his symptoms’?
A 50 – year female is diagnosed with malnutrition. What gastrointestinal manifestations will the patient demonstrate?
Discuss the major difference between the content of arterial versus blood.
Explain why the male testes are analogous to the female ovaries.
Explain the activity pyramid.


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